By one:
smiles spontaneously
responds differently to strangers than to familiar people
pays attention to own name
responds to no
copies simple actions of others
Between ages one and two:
recognizes self in mirror or picture
refers to self by name
plays by self; initiates own play
imitates adult behaviors in play
helps put things away
Between ages two and three:
plays near other children
watches other children; joins briefly in their play
defends own possessions
begins to play house
symbolically uses objects, self in play
participates in simple group activity
knows gender identity
Between ages three and four:
joins in play with other children; begins to interact
shares toys; takes turns with assistance
begins dramatic play, acting out whole scenes
Between ages four and five:
plays and interacts with other children
dramatic play is closer to reality, with attention paid to detail, time, and space
plays dress-up
shows interest in exploring sex differences
Between ages five and six:
chooses own friends
plays simple table games
plays competitive games
engages in cooperative play with other children involving group decisions, role assignments, fair play